This article was written by library work study student Kritika KC. Kritika is a student at Notre Dame of Maryland University. Kritika plans to major in Biology.

I spent most of my freshman year studying in the library. Let me share my experience with you!
1. Cubicle chair

Cubicle chairs are located on every floor except the lower level. They have a nicely padded seat with adjustable light, a footstool, and a desk. It feels like you have your own space even in the library. If you have a lot of homework to do and need a place to focus, this chair is perfect for you.
2. Egg chair

Egg chairs are only located on the first floor, next to the makerspace/Innovation Station. You will find yourself doing a lot of reading, since Notre Dame and Loyola are liberal arts schools, so this chair gives you a giant hug while you do your reading. The seats are comfortable, and they rotate. The messy cart is nearby, which you might find helpful as it has supplies like staplers, markers, and tape.
3. Rolling chairs

Rolling chairs are located on each floor; you will be incredibly lucky if you find one of these chairs. This is the most neutral seated experience – there are minor reclining abilities, a movable armrest, a lightly cushioned seat, and you can roll around! After a long study session, you will feel as good as you did when you first walked in. Note: you will not feel better about your workload, but you won’t feel worse.
4. Blue chair

This is the average four-legged blue cushioned chair seen throughout the library. As much as you want to like this chair, you can’t. This chair could be ranked higher if it did not create a giant gap between your lower back and any resemblance of support. Generally, it is a comfy chair, but you will notice upon sitting down the proportion between you, this chair and the desk are pretty far off. One positive aspect of these chairs is the views you get if you are sitting in a first-level study room.
5. Booths

The booths are located on the first floor behind the Innovation Station. They feel good when you sit down – nowhere else at Notre Dame or Loyola has seats that are this cushioned. This feeling is nice at first, but you soon come to realize there is nowhere to rest your back. To lean against the backrest, you sacrifice your leg touching the floor. Once you make peace with your seating position and lean toward the table, you will notice that it’s too far away. There’s no position where you can sit in this booth with access to the table and back rest at same time, which means it is not good for long periods study. On the other hand, they are good for group projects because they seat up to 4 people.